Two French Bulldogs

I have two French bulldogs, a 2 yr old male who I got at 8 wks old, and a 1.5 yr old female who I adopted at a year old. The male is extremely smart, easily learns , but stubborn and spoiled (yes, my fault). The female had extreme resource guarding issues when she came to us , and was very aggressive towards my male. 

Losing By Religion

Losing By Religion By Sean O’Shea If you’re lucky enough to be unfamiliar with the current friction in the dog training world, let me ruin that for you. 🙂 There’s an approach that goes by various names. It might be called pure positive, force free, or rewards based. The concept is simple: for dogs, life…

Relationship Gaps And Unforeseen Consequences

Relationship Gaps And Unforeseen Consequences By Sean O’Shea What most folks don’t get, is that everything with your dog is connected. Every allowance or permissive moment, opens the door for another, seemingly unrelated behavior. They don’t realize that over-indulging your dog with love, freedom, and tons of unearned affection, creates perceptions about you that can…

Abusing Dogs

Abusing Dogs By Sean O’Shea While typically we associate the abuse of dogs with denying them food, shelter, or physically harming them, the abuse I see in my work is far more common, insidious, and acceptable. Why insidious? Because it’s abuse that is shared under the guise of love, caring, or just a lack of…

The Ten Commandments Of Dog Training And Ownership (Do!)

The Ten Commandments Of Dog Training And Ownership (Do!) By Sean O’Shea 1) Thou shall only pet, soothe, and share soft energy with a dog when they are in a healthy and positive state of mind. We learned in The Ten Commandments Of Dog Training (Don’t!) that sharing soft energy or soothing interactions with our…

Show Me Don’t Tell Me

Show Me Don’t Tell Me By Sean O’Shea Few industries have as much contentious, friction-filled, vitriolic, opinionated, near-religious beliefs being flung around as does the dog training world. Opinionated owners and trainers will noisily (and nastily) condemn the tools, training methods, and approaches being used by others. It might be pure positive trainers (or believers)…

The 10/10 Principle

The 10/10 Principle By Sean O’Shea What’s the number one question we get from owners? When can we pet him? When can we love on him? When can he be on the couch? When can he have total freedom? Okay, that’s several questions, but you get the idea, right?😉 When people get dogs they don’t…